
Whats it Mean to be Great ? Muhammad Ali said he was the Greatest! Then there was Alexander the Great and the Great Gatsby. So what makes a great person over someone who is not so great? How you spend your time will ultimately reward you with success or failure – whether you spend your…

The Negativity Bias

Negatively Wired Naturally As it turns out our brains have a bias towards negativity. The brain will react to positive feelings like a Porsche or a great golf shot mainly due to both being very rare or non existent in my life, but your brain reacts more strongly to negative stimuli. This “negativity bias” is…

A Cracker of a Salad

A Healthy Lunch for your Work Day. This may sound strange to some, but a lot of people aren’t quite sure how to go about putting together a great healthy lunch. We’re all busy and the convenience of grabbing a takeaway makes it just that much simpler and easier. But if your starting to know…