Working for a living


In listening to a podcast the other day I was informed that 85% of the workforce hate their jobs – hate is such a strong word ! Now that is a very sad situation. On top of this , I was also informed that most heart attacks happen between 6am and 9am on a Monday morning. Wow this was getting interesting !

It appears these people have built themselves into such a state of anxiety and stress that impacts to such a state that it causes a coronary.  I can only wonder what their Sunday afternoons must be like ? No doubt most take a “sicky” on Monday and have their heart attack in the comfort of their own home.

Strangely, with this revelation I really didn’t question these stats – yeah I can relate to that !

So I started thinking about it – Am I any different ? Am I being honest with myself ?

I have a great job, I’m well looked after. But (here goes) I don’t look forward to Mondays. I also have been known to get a bit down on Sunday arvo – so what drives this mind set ? Why aren’t we all happily marching to the beat of so called gainful employment. We all need to have an income to pay the bills, the rent or mortgage , food, clothes, look after the kids and the rest. So it seems whether we like it or not most of us are ” chained to the wheel” just basically in a state of survival.

There is also no doubt, being creatures of habit we live to our means – if your on a six figure salary chances are you are driving a nice car, living in a great house and maybe your kids are getting that private school education. I would bet that you may also be asking yourself  “What the hell !!” Just as the person on half your salary is also asking themselves “How hard does it have to be ? ”

Big question on both counts – we all have the ability to change course, whether this is up skilling, getting educated, staying motivated or biting that all mighty bullet and doing whatever it is that we always wanted to do. But that takes guts and a big commitment. Lets face it, most of us haven’t got that level of fortitude.

One thing is for certain – nothing for nothing, every day we all make sacrifices whether we like it or not. Call it the law of the jungle or whatever. So what happens tomorrow? Unless you have made the call and are prepared to take the bull by the horns and roll the dice, we will hear the alarm clock ring out its call to rise to another day of the same.

Getting off track for a moment – Id also like to explore and understand why one man (or woman) can climb Mount Everest and why another can’t get out of bed to face the day. This for another time.IMG_7839
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For now though,

To quote ” I cursed the fact I had no shoes until I saw a man with no feet” there is always someone worse off.

Do the best you can with the gig you have. Look around you, we live in a great country. Don’t get caught up or tolerate negative people, they are poison ! Keep an eye on your mates or colleagues – we should all aim for no unnecessary tragedies that can and should be avoided !! And additionally in some shape or form we have all achieved something, no matter how small you may think it is. It just maybe what inspires another person. So stay strong in your day, the world need people like you. That life !!!        





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