It’s not all Breaking Bad News Day – RD

The Sky Must Be Falling !!!

I was prompted to write this post after talking recently to a father whose twenty-something year old son was looking to buy his first house.  I was bowled over, when I was then informed the son had decided to hold off because he feels he may have to go to war and is genuinely concerned about the way the world is headed!! By the way the guy isn’t in the Army, Navy or Airforce, in fact I believe he is a butcher – in a country town in Australia.


Now I’m not saying the feeling of an imminent world changing event would be something that is at the forefront of all citizens young and old or that this mind set actually influences the decisions of the majority of the population.

And yes, historically there have been times when a war or another disastrous event on a large and international scale could affect people’s life decisions in both the short and longer term. And yes, we could consider his environment or consider his education and the general mind set of the young man.

But what really got me thinking, is the power that the media can hold over people. And how so many people seem fixated on having to surround themselves with a daily ritual of watching the news headlines. Starting first thing in the morning – which is never a good thing! Someone was shot, stabbed, died tragically, bombed, is dying, hijacked, terrorised, taken hostage and so it goes on. That not being enough, they then keep up with the same headlines and stories at lunch and of course the evening news. Totally glued to each repeating story as if it were the first time they had heard it – shocked and horrified for the third time that day.

Then add to the mix a few trash shows – usually titled “drama”, built on so called fictional lifestyle occurrences where someone is backstabbing someone else in some way shape or form, having an affair with the best friend’s wife or husband and of course throw in a little tragedy and violence just for good measure.

preview_newspaperAnd just in case, best grab a trash newspaper and listen to the news on the hour on the radio, just in case you have missed anything.

It’s all over you like a rash!
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But hey, if that’s not enough dosage for one day – we need to keep up with the more detailed injustices, maybe take in a current affairs show for good measure. Catch up on the welfare cheats or the scandal involving the poor treatment of a knife wielding maniac that was just trying to be understood or some other pathetic case that some folks just can’t seem to break themselves away from.                                So what is it that has so many fixated on bad news and that the sky is actually falling !! Is it simply a form of voyeurism? Or have so many folks become programmed through the infiltration of the media into their environments? We grew up with it, we work in it, we sit with our families watching it.

If you keep pumping the same stuff into the human mind (or a monkey or a galah for that matter) after a while it becomes perceived reality. We become a product of our environment. If you hang out with losers long enough, ultimately you will become a loser. If you bombard your mind with rubbish then your mind lives in rubbish. We get sucked in and trapped.

With virtually everyone having easy access to information through the internet, there is so much to learn and so many interesting people to listen to and stories to be “wowed” by or take a positive lead from. Podcasts, You Tube, Blogs.

Turn the car radio off and try listening to a few while driving to work or on the bus or train. A couple of suggestions that I enjoy are Tim Ferris, Robin Sharma, Jonathon Fields, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown and there’s so many more once you start finding where your interests lie.

When I recently asked a good friend of mine who has kicked so many goals over his career. “Have you ever said to yourself: I’m not good enough for that role or that’s too big a challenge for me?” He replied ” I’ve always believed if it requires a brain, two arms and two legs, then there is no reason why I can’t do it”

images copy                            imagesLife’s not a dress rehearsal and my how time flies !                                 To quote Robin Sharma ” If you’re the smartest person in your street, then its time to find a new street”. Hang out with positive folks, do positive things, make a positive contribution and enjoy the ride. 



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