Knowing Your Truth

Our dog passed away this week. Although she was 15 years and 3 months old, her passing was sudden and relatively unexpected. We’d spent a quarter of our lives with her. For our grown up children it was more like 50%. She was not only our pet but unquestionably a valued member of our family. She’d experienced and did the hard yards with us over many years. We loved her dearly as she did us.

She wasn’t a perfect dog, at times she drove me insane! But her comittment to us was unconditional. She didn’t know devious, lying, grandstanding, fake or despicable behaviour. She only knew the simple truths. I’m sure she didn’t think about it – she probably didn’t have that capacity, so she just lived a genuine « sun comes up sun goes down » type of existence. She loved our family without fail and was always ecstatic to see us. She was stoic to the end. She new her truth.

So I started thinking about being your « truth ». What it means to be a good person, a committed companion, caring, loving, understanding and maintaining your moral integrity. Being honest to yourself and there for others that depend on you. Without question.

Today we live in a world of such bull shit. People who are so sucked into how they need to deceptively justify their success, albeit a success based on how big my house is, how grand is my car, how sexy my image is. How can I convince my Instagram followers how financially successful I am. How can I manipulate the herd based on perception, how much of a lie can I live right here and right now! A materialistic life equals success no matter how much debt you are in.

Its awkwardly obvious how we as humans don’t trust ourselves or each other. We talk of the search for the truth, the truth will come out, let the truth be known, you will tell the truth and only the truth, be truthful to yourself – It seems we not only don’t know our own truth but don’t trust others in knowing their truth.

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It may sound odd but through the death of our beloved dog I’ve simply realised ( and it is simple) the standard she’d lived by over many years was beyond reprieve. Yep, just a dog, but our lives were all the richer from her existence and never once was her truth under question – She was true to the end.

We love you Roxy!


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3 thoughts on “Knowing Your Truth

  1. I lost my best mate 6 years at Xmas. I understand it brother and those who don’t never will I’m sorry for your loss

  2. We loved her too,we hope there is someone in “doggy Heaven” to scratch her tummy, as Jenny did.
    Well done, Reece.

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