Law of Attraction

How is it that some people’s lives never really grow or progress, nothing seems to go their way. Though curiously they’re not always negative and they’re not toxic people – how does that work?

They do want the great car and the nice house or the loving relationship, but their thoughts are “I’ll never be able to afford that car or that house or meet that ideal partner”. As much as they would like to, it’s as if they’re convinced themselves they will never have these things or that relationship in their life.

At the other end of the spectrum is the person that no matter what’s going on around them, they always seem to be on the right path, they’re in control of their world. Their vibe is positive, they speak in a positive manner, they’re generous and humble. They never think “I can’t have it as much as I’d like to have it” but rather they say “I will have it and I really want to have it” and that’s not in an an obnoxious way but more in confidence that it will happen.

I’ve had the feeling for a while, that if you truly make a commitment to something – that could be a goal, it could be a lifestyle change, a career or a lifelong dream of that car you always wanted – which is really all about how you want your life to look in 2, 5 or 10 years time. Regardless of the adversity and challenges, if you stick to that path you will arrive at the place you were seeking. A self fulfilling prophecy if you like.

I’ve had many experiences in my lifetime where I’ve had to really dig deep to keep moving forward but I always felt I would push on even if I didn’t know the how or why. Then only to have something or someone appear – often someone I’d never even met before – but for some reason our paths crossed and there at that point my next door opened which allowed me to grow and progress to the next stage. Sliding doors as they say.

Although it may have taken me decades to realise ( I’m a slow learner at times ) I have a blessed life as it turns out. So I’m always thankful for everything and everyone who has played, and continues to play, a positive part. Take a moment to think about it – wherever you’re currently at in your life, you’ve arrived at this place as a result of your thoughts. If you don’t like where you’re at, it might be worth changing your thoughts!

There’s a couple of quotes from the Bible “ Ask and you will receive” or “Seek and you will find”. Then there’s the tale of Aladdin and his Lamp – The Genie who will grant Aladdin his wishes. Were you ever told as a child “Be careful what you wish for ‘cause you might just get it!” This stuff isn’t new, it’s been going around for a while!

Stepping back a bit – The tides, the moon, the sun, the seasons. Gravity and the constant pull of magnetic and electrical forces. Hypothetical and maybe a bit out there but here goes – My thoughts are also an electrical impulse so is there possibly a connection in what I think and like a magnet, what I receive back?

Interestingly, I found this quote, from a guy who knows a little about science.

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. – Albert Einstein

Fancy that!

Lets call it “The Law of Attraction” – believe it or not.

As always thanks for reading – RD


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