Life Coaches, Attitude and the Ten Commandments

The More Things Change the More they Stay the Same.

What gets people to peak performance? Is it their environment – past and present ? Some of the most successful achievers came from poor uneducated environments. While others who had every opportunity through a privileged environment failed dismally.

How is it that one man can climb Mount Everest and another struggles to get out of bed each morning?

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And what’s the secret behind the guy who always seems in control and cruising through life with his glass always half full never half empty?                                                                                                                                                                         Having a positive attitude would definitely be a contributing factor, though at times remaining consistent with that attitude can be a challenge to any mortal man or woman. Living a life for some folks just isn’t an easy thing. So is that the answer to achieving success  – A positive attitude?                                                                                                                                          Surely, a positive attitude alone will not make you the Formula One World Champion, it will not make you the world’s number one golfer?  But can your attitude make the difference between success and failure?


And what constitutes success ? Success can be measured by financial and material possessions.Though being financially wealthy doesn’t mean you’re happy, content or a good person. High net worth individuals are often far from happy as their wealth brings increased stress and problems. Often it appears that money can be the “root of all evil” in the wrong hands.   So is success financial, is it contentment, is it being a good father or mother, is it helping others? Or is it a combination of many things that allows your success in life to contribute in a positive way to the betterment of society or your community?Ultimately leaving a legacy of a life well lived.

So where am I going with this?

There is a growing industry in life coaching. It seems everyone could do with a coach. Some of the most prominent people in the world engage the services of “Life Coaches”. Just like the professional athlete or sporting team need the ongoing motivational support of the mentor or coach, it now crosses so many other areas of life – professional, business, personal and just life in general. Billionaires, world leaders, sporting figures, mums and dads, the young and old are looking for direction, motivation and the benefits of being focused towards achieving your dreams and goals, ultimately living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Over past months (if not years in all honesty) I have attended, watched, listened and read the books on the messages and ideals delivered from a very broad spectrum of “Life Coaches”. From the new age religious ministers to the Tony Robbins “full on – go get em” style and quite a few in between. All very entertaining men and women with great delivery and very slick and proficient public speaking skills! Similar to another gentleman who hit the world stage 2,000 years ago.


Here’s the thing – the underlying fundamentals that the varying life coaches promote in reaching a balanced rich life are pretty much the same. The only difference seems to be in the support network. The thread is to look after yourself – mentally and physically, continual learning, integrity, morality, discipline, humility, generosity and of course a positive attitude and maybe one or two more. But the basics are not that complicated.

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And in his day, Jesus was a Life Coach without the internet and a pair of the latest Nikes.                                                                                                                               Bl7FuSJCIAAO3GP.jpg-large

Just a thought?




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